Social Care Matters
Information covered in this chapter
The Social Care Pathway
Who gets support from Adult Social Care?
Assessing your child’s needs for social care
- The Care Act Needs Assessment
- The Support Plan
- Personal Budget
The options available for managing a personal budget
- Direct Payments
- Council Managed Services
- Combination of Direct Payments and managed care services
Employing a Personal Assistant
Integrating social care, education and health care budgets
Financial Assessments and Client Contribution
Support available for adults with learning disabilities and/or autism in Oxfordshire
- Day Activities
- Short Breaks or Respite
- Personal Assistants
- Shared Lives
- Home Care Services
- Equipment and Housing Adaptations
The Family Carers Needs
Social Care Support during the Moving into Adulthood Phase – How it works in Oxfordshire
- The Moving into Adulthood Team
- Adult Social Care Locality teams
- Who else may be involved?
What if your child is not eligible for social care services?
Emergency Help
Making a Complaint about Adult Social Care
In a nutshell
The information in this chapter has been obtained from a number of different sources and was correct, to the best of our knowledge at the time of writing. Things can change so we would always recommend checking & seeking specialist advice especially regarding financial and legal information.
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