Growing Up: Relationships
Information covered in this chapter
Growing Up: Friendships
- Staying in touch with friends
- Circles of Support
- Making Friends
- Activities
- Personal Assistants
- Buddy Support
- Thinking out of the box
Growing Up: Being Included
Growing Up: Sex and Relationships
- Protecting your child from abuse
- Safeguarding
Growing Up: Dating
Growing Up: LGBTQ+
Growing Up: Gender Identity
Growing Up: Puberty
Growing Up: Staying Safe while out and about
- Travel Training
- Disabled Person’s Travel Passes
- Hidden Disabilities Sunflower
Growing Up: Staying Safe in the Community
- Safe Places
Growing Up: Staying Safe Online and social media
The information in this chapter has been obtained from a number of different sources and was correct, to the best of our knowledge at the time of writing. Things can change so we would always recommend checking & seeking specialist advice especially regarding financial and legal information.
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