Other Sources of Support and Help

Information covered in this chapter


Local Organisations

National Organisations

Support Groups 

Support for Carers

What can you do if you want to provide feedback or things go wrong?

Chapter download form

Please select which role best describes you.
What is the age of your child/young person?
How did you hear about the Moving Into Adulthood Handbook?

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To view and download the chapter please enter your email address and some basic details. The Information submitted will be used by OxFSN to measure the level of interest in the handbook. We may also use your email address to keep you informed of any significant changes to the resource(s) you have downloaded. If you wish to change your contact preferences please email [email protected]

The information in this chapter has been obtained from a number of different sources and was correct, to the best of our knowledge at the time of writing.  Things can change so we would always recommend checking & seeking specialist advice especially regarding financial and legal information.

Contact Us

If you would like to provide any feedback, or to draw our attention to new and updated information that should be included in the Moving into Adulthood Handbook, please click on the Contact Us links to find how you can get in touch with OxFSN.

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